The Hampton Cup Regatta is proud to have the following sponsors
Interested in becoming a sponsor for the Hampton Cup Regatta?


The Sponsors Area
The sponsors area is reserved for those who have sponsored The Hampton Cup Regatta with donations that allow the committee to continue to provide a free family sporting event. Those who have access to the area are given drink vouchers, and are welcome to the food provided in the same tent. The amount of sponsor tickets received is based on donation amount.
How to claim your tickets
The tent is located at one of the best locations on the bridge and views the straight-away after the start line.
Look for signs that say “VIP” and/or “Sponsor Check-In”
Here you can trade in your ticket and obtain:
The Sponsor Arm Band for access to the area
Two drink vouchers per ticket
ABC Drink Band (if desired).
Please note that EVERYONE!!! will need to show proof of age with a valid drivers license or ID.
Once checked in proceed down to the open area (about midway down the tent). This is the only entrance and exit from the Sponsors Area.
Note!: Sponsor and ABC Drink Bands are not transferable and are good for the day of redemption only. Please do not remove bands to allow others to come into the Sponsors Area. Please follow instructions provided by staff.
Any disruptions considered out of control, threatening, or belligerent to staff and other guests due to alcohol consumption will not be tolerated. Staff have full authority to remove you from the tent and if necessary, permanently from the event.